Thank you for an amazing school year so far. We’ve had the opportunity to celebrate a number of student successes reflective of the growth and accomplishments of DeSoto ISD scholars as supported by the district’s phenomenal teaching staff and district families.
In order to ensure that our scholars are positioned to soar through the end of the school year,
we want to remind parents and families that starting April 24, 2023, students in grades six through 12 are asked to refrain from bringing backpacks to school.
In response to the no backpack policy for 6th-12th graders, beginning Monday, April 24, through the end of the school year, please adhere to this video that may answer any questions or concerns.
It is important to remind students and staff that if they
see something, say something. Anonymously report someone who may be in danger of harming others or themselves to an administrator, teacher, or security staff member as immediately as possible or
submit the information via email at [email protected] or call or text +1.206.406.6485.
Click to watch the video.