DeSoto ISD Invites Parents, Students, Community to Virtually Meet Its 21-22 Campus Principals
The DeSoto Independent School District announced its campus leadership team for the 21-22 academic school year to central office leaders, board members, and elected officials on June 10. The district invites the entire school community to virtually meet new and returning campus principals via the district’s Facebook page on July 6 at 6:30 p.m.
The virtual community event will be styled as a panel discussion consisting of all of the district’s campus leaders to be led by a moderator.
Members of the community will be able to hear the personal stories, experiences, and passion of each DeSoto ISD campus leader.
To further connect the DeSoto ISD community with this group of leaders, members of our community are able to pre-submit questions to the district’s principals prior to the event on July 6.
If you are interested in submitting questions, please click this link.
Please note that pre-submitted questions will be addressed during the panel discussion.
DeSoto ISD Superintendent Dr. D’Andre Weaver articulated his aspirations for the upcoming year. “We have hoped and prayed that we have the right leaders in place to help us reach the goals that will guide our work for the next five years. I am confident that we have made the right selections in this very talented group of principals who will lead our campuses into the future.”
Click here to learn more about our principals.
Mark your calendars to join for this very special welcome event.