Lights. Camera. Action: DeSoto Eagles Homecoming Week 2022 is on the Horizon

LIGHTS! CAMERA! ACTION! - The DeSoto High School Homecoming Week is a districtwide green and gold celebration!
DeSoto Independent School District and DeSoto High School are excited to kick off Homecoming Week October 3-7, 2022.
This year’s theme, “Lights, Camera, Action,” will celebrate the high-flying spirit of excellence and engagement in the district inclusive of all stakeholders including students, families, alumni, and community members who are invited to join in the fun and festivities and showcase their Eagle spirit.
This week is a demonstration of community spirit and high engagement so the district is asking all who plan to attend the parade and pep rally on October 5, 2022, to wear GREEN and sport GOLD at the homecoming football game against Mansfield Legacy at Eagle Stadium at 7 pm, Friday, October 7.
- Oct. 5 Homecoming Parade/Pep Rally: Green Out
- Oct. 7 Homecoming Football Game: Gold Rush
Application Information, Deadline and Participation Guidelines
For those interested in volunteering, participating and/or attending the parade, the district has set forth the following guidelines:
All participants must complete an application and pay the entry fee.
District and community groups are invited to participate in the parade’s processional by completing the application form and resolving the application fee.
The parade line-up will begin up at 4:15 p. The parade will start at 5:00 p.
Link to Application:
Applications are due by 2 p.m. on Sep 30, 2022.
For more information or assistance registering to participate in the Oct 5, 2022, parade, contact DeSoto High School Student Council Sponsor Brittany Williams at [email protected].
(Any updates will be communicated prior to the event.)
Floats will all line up on Amber Lane facing West. They will enter the lineup off of Terrace Drive accessible off Belt Line Road just east of the administration building, or off Hampton Road at Valleyglen Drive.
The band and all walkers will enter the front parking area off of Amber Ln and all float riders can be dropped off at the east parking lot off Amber Ln.
On Eagle Drive by Eagle stadium – you will be directed to pull into the visitor side parking lot of Eagle Stadium (DO NOT STOP UNTIL YOU HAVE BEEN TOLD TO DO SO).
Pull to a stop to unload all passengers – be safe, and make sure students have clearly exited the vehicle area before moving.
After unloading, you will be directed to pull out and turn south (left turn only) onto Westmoreland Drive. You can then leave the event, park on the south side of the Freshman wing, or into the MPC
Vehicles not carrying participants in the parade will continue westbound on Eagle past the drop-off area and turn north (right) onto Westmoreland.
Elementary/Middle School students enter the parking lot and proceed directly to ES/MS designated area in the stadium visitor section stands
DHS students enter the parking lot and proceed to Eagle Stadium (visitor side)
Elementary and middle school students will be escorted by chaperones to the designated area in the stadium visitor section stands.
School staff members will wait with the students at the designated area until the students are picked up by their parents.
Parking is available in all parking lots except the visitor section and the parking lot between the stadium and the west side of the school. These lots are reserved for float debarkation and specific participant vehicles.
Community Pep Rally is October 5 - Following the Parade

The Wednesday, Oct.5, 2022, the parade will culminate in a community pep rally highlighting the 2022 homecoming court and other student recognition activities and performances.
Parade and pep rally participants and attendees are asked to wear GREEN as a demonstration of our Eagle Spirit!
Game Day Information, Reminders and Spirit Wear
The 2022 DeSoto High School homecoming game will be played against Mansfield Legacy High School at 7 p.m. at Eagles Stadium located at 600 Eagle Drive.
DHS students must show their school ID to gain entry into the game.
See game expectations here
Those interested can purchase tickets in advance of the game at the Athletics Office or before games at the ticket gate. For more information, call the DeSoto ISD Athletics Office at 972.274.8118.
Game attendees are encouraged to wear GOLD as we get into full LIGHTS ,CAMERA ,ACTION! mode for the Eagles edition of Friday Night Lights as we take on Mansfield Legacy.
Those interested can support the DeSoto High School Eagles Football Booster Club by purchasing a t-shirt package that includes both a GOLD and GREEN t-shirt via the link below:
Shirts may be purchased as a package or individually. For more information regarding t-shirt sales, please contact Lori Mathis at [email protected] or Tracie Cook at [email protected].
Need a Homecoming Mum?
The Future Farmers of America (FFA) Floral Design department will be taking orders for homecoming mums through September 30.
- Extra Small: $5 ($7 with a garter)
Small: $10 ($12 with a garter)
Medium: $15 Senior Long (Seniors Only): $25
DHS students may visit Ms. Hunter and those are submitted cash-only payments.
Other DHS students can order online by clicking this link: Homecoming 2022 Mum Order form
Alumni are Welcome to Celebrate with Us!
DeSoto ISD aims to make this homecoming season particularly memorable by creating special opportunities for engagement for district alumni. Because the District values the partnership, involvement, and support of its alumni, please join and accept this special invitation to come home.
DeSoto ISD has reserved special seating for alumni at the Friday, Oct. 7 Homecoming football game. Those interested can purchase tickets in advance of the game at the Athletics Office or before games at the ticket gate. For more information, call the DeSoto ISD Athletics Office at 972.274.8118.
(Stay connected to your contact for additional information regarding a special alumni activity)
Dress Days - All Campuses Can Celebrate this Week of School Pride!
The DeSoto High School has provided a set of student dress days that can be shared across the district to help create a unified display of district pride and camaraderie.
View the campus information below to see how your students can celebrate on campus. Remember that all attire still must adhere to the district's standard of dress.