DeSoto ISD announces the December Meeting Schedule of the School Board
The DeSoto Independent School District Board of Trustees invites its school community to attend its upcoming meeting on December 18 at 6:30 p.m., in the district’s Instructional Support Center located at 200 E. Belt Line Road in DeSoto.
During this month, the Board will host a single meeting comprised of its data progress and business board meetings - due to the upcoming district closure for the Winter Break.
Additionally, this regular board meeting will also include the district’s public hearing of the 2023 School Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas (FIRST) report. The FIRST Rating system ensures that Texas public schools are held accountable for the quality of their financial management practices and that they improve these practices.
The public hearing allows the public to listen to the informational presentation and ask related questions as a public comment.
Generally, the DeSoto ISD Board of Trustees meets twice a month and hosts town hall meetings bimonthly.
The schedule of the district’s regular board meetings and the current agendas for the board meetings and town hall are on the Board of Trustees webpage of the DeSoto ISD website, www.desotoisd.org.