Need help redirecting your child’s behavior? DeSoto ISD to Offer Free Family Workshop
DeSoto Independent School District understands the struggles parents have in creating consistent standards for behavioral expectations for students at home and at school.
As a partner in families’ educational journey, DeSoto ISD’s Student Support Services will offer a free dinner, workshop and campus tour from 6-8 p.m., Tuesday, December 14, 2021, at Ruby Young Personalized STEAM Academy.
The event is designed to help them better understand the Positive Behavior Interventions Framework,or PBIS, a multi-tiered framework designed to teach all students positive behaviors related to academics, attendance, behavior, and culture. It is designed to proactively address problematic behaviors for all students and improve school climate. PBIS is a research-based program ranging from school-wide implementation to individualized planning for all students.
During the parent-and-family-centered workshop, families will understand how DeSoto ISD schools are establishing school-wide matrices of positive expectations and behaviors that are created, posted, and taught to our students, established classroom expectations aligned with school-wide expectations, and the creation of procedures for encouraging expected behavior, discouraging problem behavior, and procedures encouraging school-family-community partnerships through PBIS.
Families who attend the workshop will learn methods for teaching, reminding, and rewarding expected behaviors and how powerful positive feedback is when emphasizing respect, responsibility, and a sense of community, which is important for maintaining a smooth home-school connection.
Registration for the event is filling up quickly.
Click here to reserve a seat and dinner for your family today!