Like DeSoto ISD, many education human resources departments, are amid turbulent times due to staffing concerns, the impact of the nationwide teacher shortage, the continuous impacts of the pandemic, and other challenges and are still working diligently to create the best possible scenarios for school communities.
In DeSoto ISD, when many staff are at home with their families, our DeISD Human Resource team is still working into the wee hours of the night, even on weekends and during holidays to fill the needs of our district.
On Texas Human Resources Education Day, we pause to say thank you to each of our Human Resources staff members.
We honor and thank you for your commitment and diligence to show up day after day continuing the journey of building and maintaining a viable workforce for DeSoto ISD.
DeSoto ISD sees and appreciates the efforts of its Human Resources Professionals!
Click to read the proclamation from Texas Governor Greg Abbott.