During March, the DeSoto ISD School Board will meet for its regular two board meetings, host two workshops to discuss some upcoming programs and district updates, and a town hall.
The first of the two workshops is set for Monday, March 4 at 6p and the second session is for March 19. These meetings are information sessions between the district administration about upcoming programs and future planning for the 2024-25 school year.
The monthly school board meetings will be held on the third and fourth Mondays according to the regular schedule. The Board Progress Monitoring meeting is on March 18 and the monthly Business meeting is on March 25, 2024.
A DeSoto ISD School Board Bi-monthly town hall is set for March 27 and is an opportunity for the board trustees to communicate information to and also hear from the DeSoto ISD school community.
As is the protocol, the school board meetings are open to the public and comments are accepted from the public on agenda and non-agenda items when entered according to the stated criteria.
The DeSoto ISD School Board Meetings begin at 6:30 p.m. and are held in the district’s Instructional Support Center located at 200 E. Belt Line Road in DeSoto unless otherwise noted.
The schedule of the district’s board meetings and the current meeting agendas, including the town hall series are available on the Board of Trustees webpage of the DeSoto ISD website, www.desotoisd.org.