DeSoto ISD Excited to Announce 2024 P-TECH Program, Accepting Scholar Applications
The DeSoto Independent School District is proud to announce and offer a new option to rising freshmen for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Students and families can now apply to the newly established P-TECH program!
“P-TECH is an exciting opportunity for DeSoto ISD in enhancing and furthering Career and Technical Education for scholars,” said DeSoto ISD Superintendent of Schools Dr. Usamah Rodgers. “Through the partnership and support of industry professionals and Dallas College, our students have an accelerated pathway to career and industry-based training, education, and employment that will allow them to competitively transition directly into the workforce or higher education. This means a greater advantage at earning competitive wages driving economic growth and sustainability for our scholars and their futures.”

The DeSoto High School P-TECH program is now accepting applications for rising 9th graders who possess a strong work ethic and the commitment to complete one of the pathways offered in the program. Students can choose either the Patient Care Technician pathway or the Automotive pathway.
Click Here to Apply
P-TECH’s primary focus is on providing students with the opportunity to earn up to 60 college credits while attending high school. As a designated P-TECH program, priority admission is granted to students who are first-generation college-goers or from historically underserved populations; however, we encourage students of all backgrounds to apply.
“With a district-level focus on college, career, and military readiness, the district’s plan to introduce, implement, and integrate a P-TECH offering for our scholars, is an added option for them in the range of academic choices we offer here in DeSoto ISD,” said DeSoto ISD Chief Academic Officer Stephanie McCloud. “The P-TECH program will align with the district’s Early College Program and provide scholars specialization and training around the pursuit of patient care tech and automotive tech credentials supported by actualized industry partners in our community.”
The criteria for selecting students for admission into the DeSoto High School P-TECH Program are as follows:
The student must have a desire to be a part of the PTECH program and be able to explain this in a written essay following specific guidelines.
The applicant must have completed all sections of the application for admission.
Both parent and student must agree that the ultimate goal is to graduate from DeSoto P-TECH with college credits as planned.
The applicant and parent/guardian must schedule an interview at 972-230-0726 (ext. 1700) or email: [email protected]
For support regarding questions or assistance, contact [email protected]