More than two years ago, DeSoto Independent School District began developing a plan that would propel its school community to higher heights. Funded by a grant from the Texas Education Agency, DeSoto ISD was one of four school systems in the state awarded the Student Success Initiative Community Partnerships Grant.
The outcome of that work--a new strategic plan titled “Be The Future,” was designed to inspire curiosity and consciousness, develop character, build courage, and nurture compassion in every student, staffer, parent and partner of DeSoto ISD.
“As we strive to ‘Be the Future’ this new strategic plan shifts us toward greater alignment ensuring everything we do is tied to our Board Goals, developed with consensus and widely communicated, and clearly tied to advancing the new vision and mission of DeSoto ISD,” said DeSoto ISD Superintendent Dr. D’Andre Weaver.
The district will introduce and discuss the “Be The Future,” strategic plan in two upcoming virtual opportunities:
- DeSoto ISD’s annual State of the District Sponsored by the DeSoto Chamber and featuring DeSoto ISD Board President Amanda Sargent and Superintendent Dr. D’Andre Weaver
11 am on Saturday, March 20, 2021.
- This event will focus on the community North Star which brings together key groups in the community to address a common vision for residents.
The core NorthStar partners which include representatives from the City of DeSoto, the City of Glenn Heights, Methodist Hospital System and the University of North Texas at Dallas, will join Superintendent Dr. D’Andre J. Weaver at a virtual State of the District event sponsored by the DeSoto Chamber of Commerce to address the collaborative processes of these organizations to better serve residents in the DeSoto and Glenn Heights communities.
- For those who prefer to view the State of the District via Zoom webinar, register here:
- Virtual Town Hall with Mayor Rachel Proctor and Supt. Dr. D’Andre Weaver
6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 30, 2021.
- This event will focus on providing an overview of the district’s new strategic plan and what it will mean for the future of education in the DeSoto and Glenn Heights communities.
- For those who prefer to view the Town Hall via Zoom webinar, register here: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_hmER9IOXTuaj4xF6mtELsg
Both events will be streamed live via the DeSoto ISD Facebook page.
Collaboratively created by faculty, students, staff, alumni and members of our broader community, this plan sets the course for the district’s future and is built around six overarching values that will guide the district’s actions in the next five years.
Every Student
We hold an unwavering belief that every student can achieve success and our students’ best interests drive our decisions, actions and behaviors.
Relentless Equity
Each person has access to the resources and opportunities that meet their individual needs in a way that allows them to leverage their greatest strengths.
Unconditional Belonging
Together, we are responsible for cultivating a community where everyone feels they belong and are respected, cared for and safe.
Collective Excellence
We foster integrity, accountability and hold high expectations of ourselves as we support each other and collaborate towards our vision.
Courageous Learning
We seek growth, challenge and innovation and embrace risk-taking as a necessary part of every person’s learning journey.
Community Greatness
We are grounded in our connection, pride and partnerships with our communities. Through our collective strength, we support people to do and be their best.
Guided by a mission to ensure students, without exception, learn and grow at their highest level, the district aspires to create a graduate profile as outlined below:
Graduate Aim
Navigating Real-World Problems through Research-based/STEM Thinking
The capacity to use reading and numeracy skills to gather evidence and critically evaluate it to make logical decisions about real-world issues.
A social process in which information is exchanged to establish shared meaning and achieve desired outcomes.
Critical Thinking
Self-reflective, rational examination and judgment used to solve a problem, make a choice, or learn something new by considering multiple perspectives and recognizing potential biases.
Growth Mindset
Understanding that intelligence can be developed and one can get smarter with hard work and practice.
Social Justice Orientation
Striving to achieve equity in every aspect of society with the ability to understand, appreciate, and interact with people across lines of difference (e.g. race, ethnicity, gender, culture, religion, etc.) in order to bring justice around the world
This strategic plan includes seven core commitments and priorities which align with the recently-adopted board goals. These progress measures are being built into staff job descriptions and student code of conduct to deepen and extend organizational alignment bringing these ideals into actions.
For additional information about the March 11 and March 20 virtual events, direct an email to [email protected].
For more information about DeSoto ISD’s “Be The Future” Strategic Plan, visit www.DeSotoISD.org/BeTheFuture