Welcome to Facilities Services!
Mission - DeSoto ISD Facility Management prides itself on the upkeep and maintenance of district facilities. DeSoto ISD aims to conserve money and resources through the environmentally-focused efforts of the district’s professional, custodial and maintenance crews.
The district hosts student extra-curricular activities that take place outside of the normal school day across district spaces where we welcome families and community for a range of events.
By district policy, groups may reserve certain DeSoto ISD facilities for use during non-school hours. As a district, we want to ensure that we are using and scheduling these facilities in a way that is not only energy conservative but financially responsible. DeSoto ISD has identified several “joint use” facilities such as gyms, fields, and cafeterias that are shared with the City of DeSoto for the use of parks and recreational programs and meeting locations for non-profit and civic organizations.
Due to maintenance costs and/or special circumstances, we have a number of facilities that are not available for public use, but are happy to work with community groups to schedule use of our available facilities.
It is important to note use of DeSoto ISD facilities may incur a rental fee depends on the nature of the event and/or the type of organization requesting use of a district space per DeSoto ISD policy.
Vision Statement
To serve and develop our students, educators and community partners as an exemplary service provider.
200 E. Beltline Rd
DeSoto, Texas 75115
For Athletic Events
Marcy Cochran
(972) 274-8118
[email protected]
For Community & ISC Events
Darlene Sanders
(972) 274-0627
[email protected]
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Facility Rental Application
Facility Rental Rates Classification
We can book your event 14 days in advance.