Academic choice enhances students' excitement and engagement in their academic experiences, curriculum, and future interests.
This year’s campaign titled, “U Choose,” is a reference to “The U,” a community reference to DeSoto High School reflecting the campus’ university-like culture and curricular options. However, in DeSoto ISD, scholars have an expansive range of choice academic programs that serve as pathways to “The U,” hence “U Choose,” encouraging scholars and their families to take an active and informed approach to designing a pathway that aligns with their own personal goals and talents.
With this in mind, DeSoto Independent School District is excited to announce that it will open applications for special choice programming for the 2025-2026 academic year.
Choice Programs
DeSoto ISD plans to reintroduce SIX choice programs for the 2025-2026 academic year to provide clear and strong programmatic choices for families in DeSoto and Glenn Heights.
The programs will offer a range of specializations across a number of academic disciplines for K-12 scholars in the district.
The programs are as follows:
- Amber Terrace Early Childhood Learning Center for PK3 and PK4 scholars
- Woodridge Fine Arts and Gifted Academy
- Katherine Johnson Tech Magnet Academy’s aviation and aeronautics for scholars in grades K-8
- West Middle School Male Leadership Academy for rising 6th and 7th grade boys
- DeSoto High School Early College High School for advanced academics and college credit in partnership with Dallas College’s Cedar Valley campus. This program annually accepts applications for 9th and 10th-grade scholars.
- DeSoto High School P-TECH program for career and technical education academic pathways focused on automotive and health care. This program also provides college credit opportunities in partnership with Dallas College’s Cedar Valley campus and industry certifications to help scholars jump start a professional career or gain a higher education advantage. This program annually accepts applications for 9th and 10th-grade scholars.
Current and prospective DeSoto ISD families and scholars can visit and apply for these unique and special programs.
Early Childhood (Applications Open April 2025)
- Early Childhood will accept applications in April for rising PK3 and PK4 scholars. This environment will provide early childhood education designed to build a strong learning foundation rooted in literacy and numeracy with opportunities for arts, project-based learning, and STEM.
Woodridge Fine Arts and Gifted Academy
- Woodridge Fine Arts Academy will accept applications for K-3 scholars seeking opportunities in art and humanities focused curriculum. In this arts and humanities focused elementary environment, students will study and engage in the visual and performing arts such as foundational drawing, painting, sculpture, dance, music, and theater, alongside English/language arts, history, and cultural studies.
- Woodridge Talented and Gifted Academy offers a robust curriculum that combines fine arts and gifted education. Scholars will grow under the support of highly qualified teachers dedicated to providing a challenging academic environment while providing opportunities for students to engage in advanced coursework, creative expression, and personalized learning experiences. The WRE TAG Academy is a supportive, inclusive environment for students to grow and develop their talents.
West Middle School Male Leadership Academy:
- WMS Male Leadership Academy will accept applicants for rising 6th and 7th grade boys for the 2025-2026 academic year at West Middle School. The school-within-a-school model will create a focused learning environment for adolescent male scholars built on personal pride, belongingness, brotherhood, and camaraderie. Iron sharpens iron, and in the WMS Male Leadership Academy, scholars will be positioned to soar.
Katherine Johnson Technology Magnet Academy
- Katherine Johnson Tech Magnet Academy will accept applications for academically inclined rising K-7th grade scholars who are interested in STEM with specializations in aerospace and aviation in a setting that honors the legacy of the school's namesake and her brave pursuit of math-engineered space aviation in a time that required courage and an audacious spirit through project-based learning.
- Please note this application may require submission of additional documents or participation in a screening process such as an interview or assessment. Please contact the campus for more information.
Early College High School and P-TECH Academy
- Early College High School and P-TECH Academy will accept applications for rising 9th and 10th-grade scholars seeking opportunities in an academically accelerated, college-access setting via a partnership with Dallas Colleges which seeks to provide students the opportunity to pursue college credit and obtain an associate degree at no cost to the student or family.
- Please note this application may require submission of additional documents or participation in a screening process such as an interview or assessment. Please contact the campus for more information.
In addition to these choice programs, DeSoto ISD is excited to continue the excellent experiences of the district’s neighborhood schools.
K-5 Neighborhood Schools
Neighborhood schools reflect the character, investment, partnership, and needs of the neighborhoods in which they reside. These schools are built on the premise of community and engagement, a space that feels like home and where students and families find belongingness and inclusion within the campus community.
- Frank Moates Elementary
- Cockrell Hill Elementary
- The Meadows Elementary
“U Choose,” and learn more about DeSoto ISD choice and neighborhood schools at