DeSoto ISD August 2024 Board Meeting Info

DeSoto ISD Announces its August 2024 School Board Meeting Schedule
Posted on 08/19/2024
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The DeSoto Independent School District Board of Trustees invites its school community to attend its upcoming regular monthly meetings during August.

Generally, the Board hosts two meetings each month, on the third and fourth Mondays. The first of these meetings is the progress monitoring meeting that discusses a specific board goal and its related progress measures as well as acknowledges the monthly high-achieving students and staff. The second meeting is more focused on the board information and decisions that govern the operations of the school district.

At each of the regular meetings, public comments are welcomed on agenda and non agenda items.  All public comments must adhere to the timelines and policy as communicated by the school board procedures.

This month, in addition to the regular meetings, there will be a special-called meeting before the regular school board meeting on August 19.

A Summary of the August Meeting Schedule

August 19, 6 p.m. - Special Called Meeting

August 19, 6:30 p.m. - Monthly Progress (Data) Monitoring Meeting 

August 26, 6:30 p.m. - Monthly Board Business Meeting

All public meetings of the school board are held in the DeSoto ISD Instructional Support Center Boardroom located at 200 E. Beltline Road in DeSoto.

Those who cannot attend the regular board meeting can view it online at

The schedule of the regular board meetings, town halls, and the current agendas for the board meetings are posted on the Board of Trustees webpage of the DeSoto ISD website,